Youth Program Sustainability
You have a youth group that meets regularly. You know you want to make an impact either in your community or youth-serving systems. How do you keep the momentum going? How do you ensure that your efforts will make a long-lasting impact?
We’ve got you. That’s why we developed this five-part video series to give you some tips on how to sustain a youth group or any youth programming.
1. Startup
Part one deals with taking your passion for starting a youth group or organization from concept to execution. Answer the questions in this video with all youth group members and grow the responses into your mission and vision. Starting out with a youth driven process is key.
2. Brainstorming
Part two deals with brainstorming with your youth group members on all the activities your group does and why members are a part of your youth group or organization. Follow the steps in this video to really visualize and organize everything that you do, and all the things you are planning to do!
3. Engagement
Part three deals with how to engage youth and young adults who might become potential members of your youth group and participate in your programs. Youth activities should be for the youth, by the youth.
4. Funding
Part four goes into detail about how to find funding for your youth group.
5. Partnerships
This fifth and final section deals with how to locate partnerships, build relationships, and sustain them—in just four easy steps!