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Rockstar Spotlight: Anagha Talluri

We are excited to be highlighting the winners from this year’s RAVE (Rockstar Awards Virtual Edition).

A reminder to everyone that there is still time to sponsor advocacy perks for Rockstars for our Rockstar Fundraiser!

 Anagha Talluri is the recipient of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award for Health Equity Award

This award is given to an individual who distinguishes themselves in the following ways:

  • Nominee’s work shows alignment with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s vision for building a Culture of Health and achieving health equity.
  • Nominee’s work demonstrated success to change systems that impact health outcomes in one or more of the following areas: access to quality care, education, employment, income, community environment, housing, and public safety.
  • Nominee’s work provided a solution to improve outcomes for groups most affected by health disparities.
  • Nominee’s successfully implemented a systems change approach to reduce health disparities within the past two years.

Now, let’s learn a little bit more about Rockstar,  Anagha Talluri!

Anagha Talluri is a high school sophomore, poet, avid reader, artist and volunteer, based in St Johns, Florida, USA, Giving back has been an integral part of her past 5 years in the USA, India, Ethiopia and Barbados. The very second Youth ambassador of PURE – People for Urban and Rural Education, a non-profit focused on empowering underprivileged children through education founded in 2016.

Thank you Anagha for being a Rockstar!

Check Out other Rockstar Features on the 2021 Rockstar Page!

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